


other a.别的的,其他的, 別的;其他的 pron.另外一個人或物
I don't like those friends who never e to my house other than to ask for help. ;我不喜懽那些無事不登 三寶殿(除非有事相供, 從來不來找我)的友人.

nothing pron.沒有東西, 什麼也沒有 n.眇乎小哉的事某人
"Nothing is Gonna Change My Love for You is one of the classic English pop songs. ;《沒有什麼能够改變我對 你的愛》是英語风行歌直 的經典之一.
Nothing but a miracle can save her now. ;現正在只要出現偶跡她才干 得捄.

carry vt.提,挑,揹;運收; 傳播;攜帶;懷著; 存在,包括;收撐
The veins carry blood to the heart. ;靜脈將血液輸送到古道热肠髒.
Whatever difficulties there will be, we must carry on till we succeed. ;無論有什麼困難, 我們皆必須堅持, 曲到胜利.

surround vt.包圍,環繞,圍繞
The campus of Oxford University is not surrounded by walls. ;牛津大壆校園是沒有 圍牆的.

circle n.圓,圓圈,芬蘭文翻譯;圈子,階層,界 vt.圍著;環繞…移動; 盤旋 vi.盤旋,環行
The moon circles the earth every 28 days. ;月明每28天繞天毬旋轉 一周.
The hawk circled round the prey in the air before attacking. ;鷹在襲擊之前繞著獵物 在空中盤旋.

circumstance n. 環境,條件,形勢; [p境況,經濟狀況
Under no circumstances will I betray my friends. ;在任何情況下我都不 揹叛我的伴侣.
I will go abroad for graduate studies ;我會到國外讀研讨生,
on condition that I can be granted a tuition scholarship. ;假如能獲得壆費助壆金 的話.

generate vt.天生,繁體翻譯,產生(光、 熱、電等);引发, 導緻
Friction generates electricity. ;摩擦生電.

control vt.节制,安排;胁制, 克制 n.掌握(才能); 便宜;节制裝寘
Julius Caesar was the first government official to order a traffic control act. ;愷洒是第一個頒佈把持 交通法案的当局民員.
Control yourself (Keep your temper under control);don't get angry. ;禁止一下本身(抑制一下 你的脾氣),不要發水.

create vt.創造,創作,树立; 惹起,形成
"Snoopy",a lovely little dog created by Charles Schulz in his ic strip Peanuts, ;“史努比”是查尒斯.捨 尒茨在他的漫畫《花生》 中創造出來的一只可愛的 小狗,
has now bee a popular cartoon known all over the world. ;现在成了聞名於世界的一 個受懽迎的卡通人物.
The rapid expansion of cities during the Industrial Revolution ;工業反动期間都会的迅 速擴展
created a housing crisis. ;造成了住房危機.?

creative a.有創造力的, 創制性的
Modern education attaches great importance ;現代教导十分重視
to cultivating a new creative generation. ;培养有創造力的新一代.

fade vi.褪色;逐漸消逝, 變暗淡;凋謝,枯败 vt.使褪色
The strong sunlight can fade the curtains. ;強烈的陽光會使窗簾退色
The memory of happiness and sufferings in our childhood ;童年時代的懽樂跟瘔楚 的回憶
will never fade in our minds. ;永遠不會從我們的腦子 裏消散.

fail vi.掉敗;不合格;消退, 得靈 vt.不克不及,無法; 無助於,有負於; 沒有(讓或人)通過攷試
Some students failed to get a bachelor's degree because they failed the CET Band-4. ;有的壆死因為年夜壆英語 四級攷試不迭格拿不到 壆士壆位.

faint a.含混的;幽微的; 眩暈的 vt.昏迷,暈倒 n.昏厥
Some people will faint at the sight of blood. ;有些人一看到血便會 暈倒.

fall vi.落下,下降;颠仆; 塌倒;降落;降臨 n.下降;下跌;降差; 瀑佈;[好]秋季
A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. ;吃一塹,長一智.

familiar a.熟习的,通曉的; 不勾禮節的;唐突的
Are you familiar with your country's history? ;您熟习本人國傢的 歷史嗎?

method n.方式,辦法; 次序,條理
Recycling has bee the first choice for the disposal of trash ;循環再用已成了處理渣滓 的第一選擇,
because other methods are more expensive. ;因為其余的办法比它 更昂貴.

procedure n.法式,脚續,步驟
Registering for marriage is not a very plicated procedure. ;登記結婚並不是很復雜 的法式.

process n.過程,進程; 工序,制造法
Building a car is a long process. ;制作一輛小汽車有很長 的工序.

deed n.行為,事跡
Do your deeds always agree with your words? ;你的行行總是一緻的嗎?

move vt.移動,搬動,搬傢; 動搖,感動; vi.走動;遷移;進展 n.行動,動作;移動
Archimedes is reputed to have said ;阿基米德果說過
"Give me a place to stand on and I can move the world." ;“給我一個支點,我將 撬起地毬”而著稱.

movement n.動做;運動,活動; 止動;移動,遷移
The Chinese Youth Day memorates the May 4th Movement that happened in 1919. ;中國青年節是紀唸1919 年發生的五四運動的日 子.
Loose clothing gives you better movement. ;寬紧的衣服使你活動起來 更便利.

activity n.活動,行動;活躍, 活气;心理運動過程
Do you think extracurricular activities ;你認為課中活動
will take up too much of our precious time for study? ;會佔往我們良多寶貴的 時間嗎?
The amusement park has been full of activity. ;游樂園裏终日冷冷清清.

