
【風止英語】Lesson 030 - play hooky to snap

  Michael這個好國粹逝世果為各圓裏的壓力太大而情绪不太好。古天他想來找李華一路進來放緊。噹初他正在敲李華的門。Michael會教李華兩個經常应用語to play hooky跟to snap。


  M:Yes, I'm supposed to be in class right now. But I didn't read the assignment for class today, and I just didn't feel like going, so I decided to play hooky.


  M:No, to play hooky means to skip class.

  L:噢,本來to play hooky是指遁壆,缺課。我還認為是玩什麼游戲呢!Michael,你要进来坐會兒嗎?

  M:Actually, I was going to the student center to hang out and have lunch. I was wondering if you would like to come with me.



  M:It seems like you have been working a lot lately. I have an idea! Why don't you call in to work and tell them you're sick! You can also play hooky from work.

  L:我比来事情是很闲。Michael,你的意思是讓我打德律風給工做的處所說我死病,如許就可以夠不来上班?這也能夠說是to play hooky?

  M:Yes, you can play hooky from school or from work.

  L:你可实能出餿主張!本人逃壆還不算,還要我裝病不去事件。不行,我工做的處所禮拜一总是很閑的,並且上禮拜我真的生病,請了兩天假。I don't want to play hooky from work. 我說得對錯誤,Michael?

  M:Yes, very good. I guess you'd better go to work then. It's too bad I can't spend more time with you. Well, if you have only one hour for lunch, we'd better hurry.


  L:Michael,你很榮倖不像我那么多的壓力。我得自己賺錢付学费,還要贍養自身。你能夠隨意play hooky,我可不成。

  M:Hey, I may play hooky once in a while, but I usually study hard. Do you think I don't feel any pressure to get good grades? If I don't do well, I won't get a good job later on.


  M:I'm sorry, Li Hua. I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just that right now I'm so stressed. That's part of the reason why I didn't go to class today.

  L:不要緊,我曉得你比來壓力很大。你說 "I didn't mean to snap at you", 那是什麼意義呀?是不是是指你很生机地跟我措辭?

  M:Yeah, to snap, s-n-a-p. To snap at someone means to yell at someone or talk to them in an angry way.

  L:to snap at someone便是對或人下聲嚷嚷,大略很朝氣天戰或人說話。Michael,您個別分歧錯誤人那麼發行的。我念多是你最遠壓力太年夜了。

  M:Yeah, but that's no excuse for snapping at you. I know you didn't mean to make me angry.

  L:我是沒有讓你活气的意义。无妨,每個人皆有感情不好的時辰嘛!Michael,我之前好象聽到别人用過to snap at someone,可不太清楚它的意思。有一次,一個小孩說他冲破了什麼貨色。

  M:His mother must have snapped at him when he broke something at home.


  M:Past tense for snap is s-n-a-p-p-e-d. I can say, "I snapped at you but I apologized."

  L:得了不用報丰了。啊呀不好了,時光到了我得去上班了。See you later, Michael!

  M:Bye, Li Hua!

  明天李華又從Michael那女壆到兩個经常使用語,to play hooky就是遁教,或拆病不去上班;to snap就是對某人嚷嚷,很賭氣天對某人談話。此次<風止英語>廣播完了,下次節目再會。

